- <!--添加优化代码到主题目录functions.php文件-->
- /*彻底关闭自动更新(核心程序/主题/插件/翻译自动更新*/
- add_filter(\'automatic_updater_disabled\', \'__return_true\');
- /*关闭更新检查定时作业*/
- remove_action(\'init\', \'wp_schedule_update_checks\');
- /*移除已有的版本检查定时作业*/
- wp_clear_scheduled_hook(\'wp_version_check\');
- /*移除已有的插件更新定时作业*/
- wp_clear_scheduled_hook(\'wp_update_plugins\');
- /*移除已有的主题更新定时作业*/
- wp_clear_scheduled_hook(\'wp_update_themes\');
- /*移除已有的自动更新定时作业*/
- wp_clear_scheduled_hook(\'wp_maybe_auto_update\');
- /*移除后台内核更新检查*/
- remove_action( \'admin_init\', \'_maybe_update_core\' );
- /*移除后台插件更新检查*/
- remove_action( \'load-plugins.php\', \'wp_update_plugins\' );
- remove_action( \'load-update.php\', \'wp_update_plugins\' );
- remove_action( \'load-update-core.php\', \'wp_update_plugins\' );
- remove_action( \'admin_init\', \'_maybe_update_plugins\' );
- /*移除后台主题更新检查*/
- remove_action( \'load-themes.php\', \'wp_update_themes\' );
- remove_action( \'load-update.php\', \'wp_update_themes\' );
- remove_action( \'load-update-core.php\', \'wp_update_themes\' );
- remove_action( \'admin_init\', \'_maybe_update_themes\' );
- /*关闭程序更新提示*/
- add_filter( \'pre_site_transient_update_core\', function($a){ return null; });
- /*关闭插件更新提示*/
- add_filter(\'pre_site_transient_update_plugins\', function($a){return null;});
- /*关闭主题更新提示*/
- add_filter(\'pre_site_transient_update_themes\', function($a){return null;});
- //关闭WordPress的XML-RPC功能
- add_filter(\'xmlrpc_enabled\', \'__return_false\');
- /* 关闭XML-RPC的pingback端口 */
- add_filter( \'xmlrpc_methods\', \'remove_xmlrpc_pingback_ping\' );
- function remove_xmlrpc_pingback_ping( $methods ) {
- unset( $methods[\'pingback.ping\'] );
- return $methods;
- }
- //禁用 pingbacks, enclosures, trackbacks
- remove_action( \'do_pings\', \'do_all_pings\', 10 );
- //去掉 _encloseme 和 do_ping 操作
- remove_action( \'publish_post\',\'_publish_post_hook\',5 );
- /* 禁止加载s.w.org获取表情和头像 */
- remove_action(\'wp_head\', \'print_emoji_detection_script\', 7 );
- remove_action(\'admin_print_scripts\',\'print_emoji_detection_script\');
- remove_action(\'wp_print_styles\', \'print_emoji_styles\');
- remove_action(\'admin_print_styles\', \'print_emoji_styles\');
- function remove_dns_prefetch( $hints, $relation_type ) {
- if ( \'dns-prefetch\' === $relation_type ) {
- return array_diff( wp_dependencies_unique_hosts(), $hints );
- }
- return $hints;
- }
- add_filter( \'wp_resource_hints\', \'remove_dns_prefetch\', 10, 2 );
- /* 完全禁止REST API、移除wp-json链接 */
- function lerm_disable_rest_api( $access ) {
- return new WP_Error(
- \'Stop!\',
- \'Soooooryyyy\',
- array(
- \'status\' => 403,
- )
- );
- }
- add_filter( \'rest_authentication_errors\', \'lerm_disable_rest_api\' );
- remove_action( \'wp_head\', \'rest_output_link_wp_head\', 10 );
- /* 禁止查询网站静态资源连接版本字符 */
- function _remove_script_version ( $src ){
- $parts = explode( \'?\', $src );
- return $parts[0];
- }
- add_filter( \'script_loader_src\', \'_remove_script_version\', 15, 1 );
- add_filter( \'style_loader_src\', \'_remove_script_version\', 15, 1 );
- /* 移除前端网页源代码内的头部冗余代码 */
- remove_action( \'wp_head\', \'feed_links_extra\', 3 );
- remove_action( \'wp_head\', \'rsd_link\' );
- remove_action( \'wp_head\', \'wlwmanifest_link\' );
- remove_action( \'wp_head\', \'index_rel_link\' );
- remove_action( \'wp_head\', \'start_post_rel_link\', 10, 0 );
- remove_action( \'wp_head\', \'wp_generator\' );
- /* 禁止新版文章编辑器加载前端样式 */
- function wpassist_remove_block_library_css(){
- wp_dequeue_style( \'wp-block-library\' );
- }
- remove_action( \'wp_enqueue_scripts\', \'wp_common_block_scripts_and_styles\' );
- add_action( \'wp_enqueue_scripts\', \'wpassist_remove_block_library_css\' );
- /* 移除新版本站点健康状态面板和菜单项 */
- add_action( \'admin_menu\', \'remove_site_health_menu\' );
- function remove_site_health_menu(){
- remove_submenu_page( \'tools.php\',\'site-health.php\' );
- }
- /* 禁用5.5版后自带的XML站点地图 */
- add_filter( \'wp_sitemaps_enabled\', \'__return_false\' );
- /* 移除前后台顶部工具栏指定菜单 */
- function admin_bar_item ( WP_Admin_Bar $admin_bar ) {
- $admin_bar->remove_menu(\'wp-logo\'); //移动wp的logo
- $admin_bar->remove_menu(\'site-name\'); //移动站点名称
- $admin_bar->remove_menu(\'updates\'); //移动更新提示
- $admin_bar->remove_menu(\'comments\'); //移动评论提示
- /*$admin_bar->remove_menu(\'new-content\'); //移除新建按钮 */
- }
- add_action( \'admin_bar_menu\', \'admin_bar_item\', 500 );
- //移除后台仪表盘站点健康状态面板
- add_action(\'wp_dashboard_setup\', \'remove_site_health_dashboard_widget\');
- function remove_site_health_dashboard_widget()
- {
- remove_meta_box(\'dashboard_site_health\', \'dashboard\', \'normal\');
- }
- //移除后台仪表盘菜单:站点健康状态
- add_action( \'admin_menu\', \'remove_site_health_menu\' );
- function remove_site_health_menu(){
- remove_submenu_page( \'tools.php\',\'site-health.php\' );
- }
- //移除后台仪表盘菜单:活动、新闻
- function bzg_remove_dashboard_widgets() {
- global $wp_meta_boxes;
- #移除 \"活动\"
- unset($wp_meta_boxes[\'dashboard\'][\'normal\'][\'core\'][\'dashboard_activity\']);
- #移除 \"WordPress 新闻\"
- unset($wp_meta_boxes[\'dashboard\'][\'side\'][\'core\'][\'dashboard_primary\']);
- }
- add_action(\'wp_dashboard_setup\', \'bzg_remove_dashboard_widgets\' );
- //移除后台仪表盘菜单:帮助
- function bzg_remove_help() {
- get_current_screen()->remove_help_tabs();
- }
- add_action(\'admin_head\', \'bzg_remove_help\');
- //移除后台页面title标题的wordpress后缀
- add_filter(\'admin_title\', \'delAdminTitle\', 10, 2);
- function delAdminTitle($admin_title, $title){
- return $title.\' ‹ \'.get_bloginfo(\'name\');
- }
- //移除登陆页面title标题的wordpress后缀
- add_filter(\'login_title\', \'remove_login_title\', 10, 2);
- function remove_login_title($login_title, $title){
- return $title.\' ‹ \'.get_bloginfo(\'name\');
- }
- /* 彻底禁止4.4+版之后响应式图片功能及缩略图裁剪功能*/
- // 禁止生成图像尺寸
- function zm_customize_image_sizes( $sizes ){
- unset( $sizes[ \'thumbnail\' ]);
- unset( $sizes[ \'medium\' ]);
- unset( $sizes[ \'medium_large\' ] );
- unset( $sizes[ \'large\' ]);
- unset( $sizes[ \'full\' ] );
- unset( $sizes[\'1536x1536\'] );
- unset( $sizes[\'2048x2048\'] );
- return $sizes;
- }
- add_filter( \'intermediate_image_sizes_advanced\', \'zm_customize_image_sizes\' );
- // 禁止缩放图片尺寸
- add_filter(\'big_image_size_threshold\', \'__return_false\');
- // 禁止生成其它图像尺寸
- function shapeSpace_disable_other_image_sizes() {
- // 禁止通过set_post_thumbnail_size()函数生成的图片尺寸
- remove_image_size(\'post-thumbnail\');
- // 禁止添加其它图像尺寸
- remove_image_size(\'another-size\');
- }
- add_action(\'init\', \'shapeSpace_disable_other_image_sizes\');
- //切换经典文章编辑器(v5.x开始默认古腾堡编辑器)
- add_filter(\'use_block_editor_for_post\', \'__return_false\');
- //替换评论用户头像链接为国内镜像加速访问
- add_filter(\'get_avatar\', function ($avatar) {
- return str_replace([
- \'www.gravatar.com/avatar/\',
- \'0.gravatar.com/avatar/\',
- \'1.gravatar.com/avatar/\',
- \'2.gravatar.com/avatar/\',
- \'secure.gravatar.com/avatar/\',
- \'cn.gravatar.com/avatar/\'
- ], \'cravatar.cn/\', $avatar);
- });
- //取消内容转义
- remove_filter(\'the_content\', \'wptexturize\');
- //取消摘要转义
- remove_filter(\'the_excerpt\', \'wptexturize\');
- //取消评论转义
- remove_filter(\'comment_text\', \'wptexturize\');
- //禁止转义引号字符
- remove_filter(\'the_content\', \'wptexturize\'); // 禁止英文引号转义为中文引号
- //文章插入图片自动移除 img 的 width、height、class 属性;
- add_filter( \'post_thumbnail_html\', \'fanly_remove_images_attribute\', 10 );
- add_filter( \'image_send_to_editor\', \'fanly_remove_images_attribute\', 10 );
- function fanly_remove_images_attribute( $html ) {
- //$html = preg_replace( \'/(width|height)=\"\\d*\"\\s/\', \"\", $html );
- $html = preg_replace( \'/width=\"(\\d*)\"\\s+height=\"(\\d*)\"\\s+class=\"[^\"]*\"/\', \"\", $html );
- $html = preg_replace( \'/ /\', \"\", $html );
- return $html;
- }
- //自适应图片删除width和height
- function ludou_remove_width_height_attribute($content){
- preg_match_all(\'/<[img|IMG].*?src=[\\\'|\"](.*?(?:[\\.gif|\\.jpg|\\.png\\.webp]))[\\\'|\"].*?[\\/]?>/\', $content, $images);
- if(!empty($images)) {
- foreach($images[0] as $index => $value){
- $new_img = preg_replace(\'/(width|height)=\"\\d*\"\\s/\', \"\", $images[0][$index]);
- $content = str_replace($images[0][$index], $new_img, $content);
- }
- }
- return $content;
- }
- //判断是否是移动设备浏览
- if(wp_is_mobile()) {
- #删除文章内容中img的width和height属性
- add_filter(\'the_content\', \'ludou_remove_width_height_attribute\', 99);
- }
- /* 删除文章时删除图片附件 */
- function delete_post_and_attachments($post_ID) {
- global $wpdb;
- #删除特色图片
- $thumbnails = $wpdb->get_results( \"SELECT * FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = \'_thumbnail_id\' AND post_id = $post_ID\" );
- foreach ( $thumbnails as $thumbnail ) {
- wp_delete_attachment( $thumbnail->meta_value, true );
- }
- #删除图片附件
- $attachments = $wpdb->get_results( \"SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_parent = $post_ID AND post_type = \'attachment\'\" );
- foreach ( $attachments as $attachment ) {
- wp_delete_attachment( $attachment->ID, true );
- }
- $wpdb->query( \"DELETE FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = \'_thumbnail_id\' AND post_id = $post_ID\" );
- }
- add_action(\'before_delete_post\', \'delete_post_and_attachments\');
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WordPress 5.x以上版本最低运行需求:
WordPress 6.1.1 简体中文正式版 (2022/11/16)